23 Jan 2020

CAME acquires the Turkish company Ozak احدث البوابات الالكترونية فى تركيا

Ozak Turkey For Barrier turnstiles bollard blocker OZAK is a well-established company in turkey specialized in the manufacturing of flap gate systems and turnstile barrier solutions. Established in 1974, they are one of the first turnstile company to be established in turkey, currently they are considered to be one of the most renounced named in the turnstile market. Smart Hidden Glass gates and turnstile barrier gate manufactured by Ozak turkey is of highest world class quality. Exporting to worldwide from turkey. Their product range cover a wide range from pedestrian and vehicle access control systems. Their operations is spread across the world with operations in Europe, Middle East, Asia, Russia & the USA. OZAK is considered by most professional security solutions companies to be one of the most trusted names in the turnstile and access control industry. OZAK PRODUCT RANGE: Waist & Full Height turnstiles Speed Gates Hidden Gate Paddle Gate
Speed Gates
Speed Gates
Sliding Gate Optical Turnstile Disabled Passage Turnstiles Stadium Solutions Integrated Turnstiles Fuel Oil / Gas and Petroleum Refinery Turnstiles Prestigious Passage Turnstiles and Doors for Business Center and Plazas Motorized Swing Gates Motorized Flap Doors Emergency Exit Doors / Pedestrian Gates Custom Designed Turnstiles and Passage Control Systems “Road Blocker” Barrier Systems “Bollard” Barrier Systems The products from OZAK are of very high industrial standards and our set of professional engineers are trained and educated to meet the needs of the Middle East market. The engineers in STC have been trained to assist in harsh conditions with the highest quality materials ensuring a satisfied client. Their variety of OZAK applications requires highly skilled professionals to execute a perfect solutions in the conditions and locations we operate in and our trained and skilled engineers help us in achieving such tasks. OZAK has a comprehensive reference range with its applications in Europe, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Far East, Asia, Africa and Russia. We STC Middle East being a supplier and partner of Ozak Products in the region, provides cutting edge solutions in terms of Swing gates, Hidden gates, Paddle gates, handicap gates, Motorized automatic turnstile gates, Stadium people control gates, flap barrier gates, Sliding gates etc which meet all modern requirements of EGYPT market. We have executed many projects with Ozak products especially in Cairo and Alex. With our ability of implementing smart solutions integrated with smart card readers and biometric readers, we showcase a solution which is fully automated.
03 Mar 2018


Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS Biometry literally means "measurement of life". In a broader sense, it designates the quantitative study of living beings. It covers a wide range of applications, including anthropology and medicine. The term biometrics also refers to all processes used to recognize, authenticate and identify persons based on certain physical or behavioral characteristics. THESE CHARACTERISTICS MUST BE: UNIVERSAL so that everybody can use them + UNIQUE to unequivocally distinguish between different persons + INVARIABLE to ensure they can be used throughout a person's lifetime + RECORDABLE so they can be collected and stored + MEASURABLE to enable comparisons WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BIOMETRICS?

Biometrics can be divided into three main categories of characteristics:

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS * Morphology: the form and structure of organisms. ** These two biometric types may be considered both morphological and behavioral characteristics.

TO IDENTIFY A PERSON. Identification answers the question: “Who is this person?” Identification (1:N) consists of matching biometric data among a large number of persons registered in a database.
TO AUTHENTICATE A PERSON’S IDENTITY. Authentication answers the question: “Is this person really Mr. X?”  Authentication (1:1) consists of verifying that biometric data, for example which is recorded on a passport chip, is the same as for the person holding the passport.
TO AUTHENTICATE A PERSON'S IDENTITY. Authentication answers the question: "Is this person really Mr. X?"  Authentication (1:1) consists of verifying that biometric data, for example which is recorded on a passport chip, is the same as for the person holding the passport.

Each biometric has its advantages and drawbacks, depending on its degree of variability over time, the quality of capture and how often is used. For example, a person’s voice may be subject to occasional or even permanent changes.

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS is specialized in the three major biometric modalities, namely fingerprintface and iris recognition. These three types of biometrics are especially reliable and effective, while being easy to deploy and use.


Each person has his or her own unique fingerprints – even identical twins have different fingerprints. A fingerprint comprises about a hundred major features, called minutiae. In most cases, a match between around a dozen minutiae is needed to prove that two fingerprints are identical, and establish a person’s identity to a very high degree of certainty.


Facial recognition software is capable of identifying an individual according to their facial morphology. Its effectiveness depends on several key factors, including the quality of the captured image, the power of the identification algorithms (which compare, for example, spacing between the eyes), as well as the reliability of the databases used (the larger the database, the greater the probability of identifying a person), etc.


The iris is the colored part of the eye, behind the cornea. It is formed before birth and its appearance changes very little during a person’s life. A person’s right iris is as different from the left iris as it is from another person’s iris. And the irises of identical twins are as different from each other as are the irises of two persons chosen at random. This distinction makes iris recognition a very reliable identification technique, even if the person concerned is wearing glasses or contact lenses. Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS

The fast-growing number of connected devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) goes hand in hand with the increasingly critical nature of the applications and content we can find on them. Times have changed, and we live in a world where mobility reigns. However, the typical uses and security behaviors that worked at home on a PC are more difficult to apply on the move, where passwords have reached their limits. But, more than ever, we still have to protect our data, transactions and our identity.

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS is one answer: a simple wave of the hand, pressing a finger on a scanner, or looking at a camera for a second is enough to authenticate our identity. Biometrics facilities the life of users who are increasingly mobile and connected, offering a simple alternative authentication solution to the traditional password and PIN.


Biometrics means you no longer have to use unwieldy passwords. To be effective, a password has to meet four demanding criteria: it has to be changed frequently, be complex, you must not use the same one for different accounts and, above all, it must not be written down! For people on the move, biometric authentication is easier than entering a complex password several times a day.


Unlike passwords, biometrics is the only method that establishes a link between our physical and digital identities. This helps us prevent identity theft, enabling us to prove that a person accessing an account or device is really who he or she claims to be. Stealing biometric data without the person’s knowledge, and then reproducing it in a useable form is not as easy as stealing a password and using it remotely.


While it’s relatively easy to access thousands of accounts with stolen passwords in just a few seconds, it’s much harder to hack biometric databases. In addition to gaining access to biometric data, thieves also have to be able to produce fakes for each stolen element, and use them with the appropriate detector – thus eliminating the possibility of any large-scale attack. While the number of PIN codes is limited to the digits between 0000 and 9999, biometric data is unlimited.
28 Nov 2017
Multimodal Biometrics

اجهزة الحضور والانصراف

اجهزة الحضور والانصراف

بمناسبة السنة الجديدة ستار تكنولوجي بتقدم لعملائها الكرام أحدث عروض التوفير على أجهزة الحضور والإنصراف الكورية الحاصلة على أعلى شهادات الجودة  العالمية 

أجهزة بصمة

أصبحت من الأجهزة التى لا غنى عنها فى الشركات والمؤسسات التى تهتم وتقدس مواعيد العمل وإحترامها

“أجهزة بصمة | أجهزة حضور وإنصراف بالبصمة” 

” أصبحت أجهزة البصمة توفر الوقت والجهد فى تسجيل مواعيد الحضور والإنصراف للعمال والموظفين مهما كان عددهم . ف كانت الشركات قديماً تقوم بتسجيل حضور الموظفين عن طريق دفاتر وكان هذا النظام يؤدى لجعل موظف يعمل على تسجيل حضور وإنصراف كل العمال ثم يتم تجميعهم فى تقارير ثم يتم حساب عدد ساعات عملهم بشكل يدوى مما يؤدى إلى الأخطاء والنتائج المترتبة عليها”

IDEMIA Sigma Series
IDEMIA Sigma Series

مميزات :أجهزة الحضور والإنصراف

تسجيل الحضور أو الإنصراف للموظفين بدقة

إمكانية معرفة من قاموا بالحضور أوالإنصراف فى نفس الوقت

إمكانية عمل تقارير يومية وإسبوعية وشهرية بكل بساطة وسهولة

تقليل الوقت فى تلك العملية فيمكن أن يقوم عشرة أشخاص وأكثر بتسجيل بصمتهم فى الدقيقة

تقسيم الشركة إلى أقسام وإدارات وإضافة الورديات ومواعيدها وحساب التأخيرات والإنصراف المبكر

.والعديد من المميزات الاخرى.

اجهزة بصمة الوجه الكورية و الفرنسية

– قراءة بصمة الوجه من بعد 3 امتار
– خاصية كشف ارتداء الماسك
– قراءة بصمة الوجه مع ارتداء الماسك
– خاصية قراءة بصمة وجه اكثر من شخص فى وقت واحد
– سعة 20000 موظف
– سعة 10 مليون حركة
Magic Face 900

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