Integra32 RBH Access Control Security Management System seamlessly integrates Access Control, Intrusion Alarms, Elevator Control, CCTV & DVR, Biometric Authentication, Photo ID, Building Automation, and ON and Offsite Alarm Monitoring, into an elegant and versatile building management and security system.

Integra32’s advanced .NET architecture is specifically designed to take advantage of Microsoft Windows operating systems. This user-friendly software ensures that security management needs are met easily and economically with minimal training.

With a fully featured client or Web browser access to system management, Integra32 addresses all security management needs for small and medium-size businesses and organizations. There is no limit to system expansion with an in-place upgrade path to our AxiomV Enterprise Security Management System.

Integra32 RBH Access Control

Here are some of the features included…

  • Integration with RBH View
  • Integration with RBH Biometric readers
  • Mobile App
  • Web Client
  • Upgrades within the same version
  • Support for Blueline Readers
  • Support for Free UHSC mobile credentials
  • Support for IOC8

Advanced Client-Server design…

– Includes 10 simultaneous fully functional clients over LAN/WAN.

Multiple site management…

– Control an unlimited number of sites from a single location with complete database, graphics and history segregation.

Optimum system capacity…

– Up to 99 system operators with individually definable privileges and a choice of languages
– Up to 64 Integra32™ controllers
– Up to 128 access points (128 IN and 128 OUT readers), 512 inputs and 512 outputs
– Up to 32 networks (64 with 128-door software), including direct, TCP/IP, dial-up and wireless
– 5,000 cards per panel, expandable to 8,000
– 32 schedules with 8 time zones each
– 40 user definable holidays
– 10 digit card numbers

Personalized disability privileges…

– Disabled cardholders can be accommodated with extended door unlock times and dedicated automatic door activation.