13 Jun 2018

Automatic Systems Security Gates

Automatic Systems Security Gates.

AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS is a world leader in the automation of secure entrance control. The company has been designing and manufacturing pedestrian, vehicle and passenger access systems for nearly 50 years.
Founded in 1969, Automatic Systems has developed a unique know-how in the design of high-end obstacles, one-person detection and throughput management making it a brand renowned for the high quality of its products in terms of performance and reliability. The company is part of the Bolloré group, assurance of a long-term investment strategy and stability for the company. Our large worldwide business network includes offices and subsidiaries in Belgium, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, China and the United States, a vast international network of distributors and local partners, as well as 5 manufacturing plants (3 in Belgium and 1 in France, Canada) and 3 R&D sites.
  • Every day, more than 90 million people use Automatic Systems’ equipment worldwide.
  • Automatic Systems’ public transportation products are in use in 25 countries.

Automatic Systems Security Gates

strongly believes that a customer is a partner and a supply contract a long-term commitment to service and quality. Our products are designed to suit the purposes and requirements of our clients who can always rely on us. Automatic system trilane-1 At Automatic Systems we know that the only way to stay at the forefront of market trends and customer requirements is by innovating and mastering technology. That’s why we invest heavily in Research & Development and have highly advanced resources and expertise for all equipment components. automatic-systems Operating worldwide, we provide a network of sales, customer service and maintenance programs, technical support, spare parts and training facilities. Our partners have also privileged access to the full documentation of Automatic Systems via our extranet platform, Partnerweb.

Automatic Systems High Security

Some sites, such as military, industrial facilities, government buildings… demand a high level of security. For these applications, Automatic Systems provides security barriers, a range of bollards and retractable barriers (road blockers) that enable you to protect your site, while selectively authorizing the passage of certain vehicles.
Automatic Systems is a world leader in the automation of secure entrance control. Moreover, we are one of the few companies which designs and manufactures equipment for all access control segments: pedestrian, vehicle and passenger.

For over 45 years, with over 200 000 products in use in 150 countries globally, Automatic Systems is renowned for its innovativeness, high performance and reliability. Currently, there are more than 90 million daily users of Automatic Systems equipment worldwide.
27 Mar 2018



Since 1995 we have been designing and manufacturing Enterprise Access Control and Security Management systems for Canadian and International markets. Through the years we have taken pride in delivering high innovation levels and feature rich products. We continuously invest in research and development, as well as improvements to the manufacturing and distribution aspects of our business.

Our Products

  • Software – from an Enterprise to Small Business solutions, we have packages specifically tailored to a customer’s needs. Utilizing the latest in Microsoft platform technology we deliver responsive and reliable software on the desktop, server and over the web.
  • Hardware – our robust controllers work in the harshest of environments and in a variety of applications all over the globe. Employing open interface protocols we allow for a great selection of available identification devices from proximity, to fingerprint and iris, as well as a myriad of other technologies available on the market today.
  • Identification Devices – in addition to the ability to connect readers and other 3rd party devices, we offer a line of proximity, long range and biometric readers. These bring added value and reliability as well as a great branding opportunity to our partners.


  • Our software is produced by an in-house software development team with a strong emphasis on long term life cycle support and complete control of the code base.
  • Our hardware engineers design our controllers and other devices in close cooperation with the RBH Access Control software development team to ensure that all the important features are embedded directly into our equipment’s firmware, while ensuring robust, “bullet proof” performance out in the field.
  • Our products are designed and manufactured in Canada with strong attention to Quality Control with up to date components and manufacturing techniques.
  • Our components are designed and manufactured under one roof which is the first step to ensuring quality and advanced design.
03 Mar 2018


Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS Biometry literally means "measurement of life". In a broader sense, it designates the quantitative study of living beings. It covers a wide range of applications, including anthropology and medicine. The term biometrics also refers to all processes used to recognize, authenticate and identify persons based on certain physical or behavioral characteristics. THESE CHARACTERISTICS MUST BE: UNIVERSAL so that everybody can use them + UNIQUE to unequivocally distinguish between different persons + INVARIABLE to ensure they can be used throughout a person's lifetime + RECORDABLE so they can be collected and stored + MEASURABLE to enable comparisons WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BIOMETRICS?

Biometrics can be divided into three main categories of characteristics:

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS * Morphology: the form and structure of organisms. ** These two biometric types may be considered both morphological and behavioral characteristics.

TO IDENTIFY A PERSON. Identification answers the question: “Who is this person?” Identification (1:N) consists of matching biometric data among a large number of persons registered in a database.
TO AUTHENTICATE A PERSON’S IDENTITY. Authentication answers the question: “Is this person really Mr. X?”  Authentication (1:1) consists of verifying that biometric data, for example which is recorded on a passport chip, is the same as for the person holding the passport.
TO AUTHENTICATE A PERSON'S IDENTITY. Authentication answers the question: "Is this person really Mr. X?"  Authentication (1:1) consists of verifying that biometric data, for example which is recorded on a passport chip, is the same as for the person holding the passport.

Each biometric has its advantages and drawbacks, depending on its degree of variability over time, the quality of capture and how often is used. For example, a person’s voice may be subject to occasional or even permanent changes.

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS is specialized in the three major biometric modalities, namely fingerprintface and iris recognition. These three types of biometrics are especially reliable and effective, while being easy to deploy and use.


Each person has his or her own unique fingerprints – even identical twins have different fingerprints. A fingerprint comprises about a hundred major features, called minutiae. In most cases, a match between around a dozen minutiae is needed to prove that two fingerprints are identical, and establish a person’s identity to a very high degree of certainty.


Facial recognition software is capable of identifying an individual according to their facial morphology. Its effectiveness depends on several key factors, including the quality of the captured image, the power of the identification algorithms (which compare, for example, spacing between the eyes), as well as the reliability of the databases used (the larger the database, the greater the probability of identifying a person), etc.


The iris is the colored part of the eye, behind the cornea. It is formed before birth and its appearance changes very little during a person’s life. A person’s right iris is as different from the left iris as it is from another person’s iris. And the irises of identical twins are as different from each other as are the irises of two persons chosen at random. This distinction makes iris recognition a very reliable identification technique, even if the person concerned is wearing glasses or contact lenses. Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS

The fast-growing number of connected devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) goes hand in hand with the increasingly critical nature of the applications and content we can find on them. Times have changed, and we live in a world where mobility reigns. However, the typical uses and security behaviors that worked at home on a PC are more difficult to apply on the move, where passwords have reached their limits. But, more than ever, we still have to protect our data, transactions and our identity.

Idemia MORPHO BIOMETRICS is one answer: a simple wave of the hand, pressing a finger on a scanner, or looking at a camera for a second is enough to authenticate our identity. Biometrics facilities the life of users who are increasingly mobile and connected, offering a simple alternative authentication solution to the traditional password and PIN.


Biometrics means you no longer have to use unwieldy passwords. To be effective, a password has to meet four demanding criteria: it has to be changed frequently, be complex, you must not use the same one for different accounts and, above all, it must not be written down! For people on the move, biometric authentication is easier than entering a complex password several times a day.


Unlike passwords, biometrics is the only method that establishes a link between our physical and digital identities. This helps us prevent identity theft, enabling us to prove that a person accessing an account or device is really who he or she claims to be. Stealing biometric data without the person’s knowledge, and then reproducing it in a useable form is not as easy as stealing a password and using it remotely.


While it’s relatively easy to access thousands of accounts with stolen passwords in just a few seconds, it’s much harder to hack biometric databases. In addition to gaining access to biometric data, thieves also have to be able to produce fakes for each stolen element, and use them with the appropriate detector – thus eliminating the possibility of any large-scale attack. While the number of PIN codes is limited to the digits between 0000 and 9999, biometric data is unlimited.
30 Jan 2018
اسعار كاميرات مراقبة

كاميرات مراقبة | اسعار كاميرات المراقبة

 اسعار كاميرات مراقبة

في الوقت الراهن أصبح على الجميع السؤال عن كاميرات مراقبة | اسعار كاميرات المراقبة لتأمين منشآتهم سواء كان مسكن او مؤسسة صناعيه او شركة ادارية او مستشفيات ….. إلخ , ومن بين أهم أنظمة التأمين هي كاميرات المراقبة حيث أن لها دور فعال فى تأمين المنشآت فمن خلال كاميرات مراقبة مركبه في منشاتك تستطيع مراقبة منزلك والاطمئنان على اولادك من اى مكان بواسطة هاتفك المحمول ومن خلال كاميرات مراقبة تستطيع مراقبة شركتك ومن خلال كاميرات مراقبة تستطيع  متابعة سير الإنتاج فى منشأتك الصناعية ومن خلال كاميرات مراقبة تستطيع الحماية ضد السرقة والعديد والعديد من الإستخدامات الأخرى.

security guard surveillance systems
security guard surveillance systems

كاميرات المراقبة

سنستعرض أنواع كاميرات المراقبة من حيث الجودة و أماكن تركيبها وسوف نستعرض أيضاً أنواع شبكات كاميرات المراقبة التى يتم تركيبها.

أولا : أنواع كاميرات المراقبة من حيث الجودة :

كاميرات الأنالوج Analog وهى كاميرات جودتها ضعيفة تقاس جودة هذا النوع من الكاميرات بالـ TVL وهي تبدأ عادة من 420 TVL وتصل إلى 1200TVL ثم بعد ذلك الجودة الأعلى وهى:-

AHD Analog Height Definition:

ويتم قياس جودة هذه الكاميرات ب الميجا بيكسل تبدأ بـ 1 ميجا بيكسل وتصل إلى 1.3 ميجا بيكسل وفى هذه الكاميرات بخلاف جودة العدسة توجد درجة وضوح الصورة وهى تبدأ بـ 720 بيكسل ثم 960 بيكسل ثم 1080 بيكسل أو جودة عالية الدقة Full HD ثم الجودة الأعلى وهى

HD Height Definition

والتى تبدأ ب 1 ميجا بيكسل وتصل إلى 5 ميجا بيكسل وأكثر على حسب الشركات المصنعه

security CCTV
security CCTV

ثانيا: أنواع الكاميرات من حيث الملائمة

توجد كاميرات تسمي كاميرات داخلية وكاميرات خارجية ونعتمد على إختيار أياً منهما على حسب المكان الذى سيتم تركيب الكاميرا به.

الكاميرات الداخلية :

هى التى تصلح للتركيب داخل الأماكن المغلقة مثل المكاتب والشقق وقاعات الإجتماعات وهى كاميرات يجب أن لا يصلها الضوء أو الماء وهذه الكاميرات بعكس الكاميرات الخارجية.

CCTV Indoor Camera
CCTV Indoor Camera

الكاميرات الخارجية :

هى الكاميرات التى تصلح للتركيب فى الأماكن الخارجية وهذه الكاميرات مصممة لتحمل العوامل الجوية والعمل تحت الظروف الجوية القاسية وهذا بفضل ما يسمى بخاصية ال IP66

Outdoor security cam
Outdoor security cam

ثالثا: أنواع شبكات كاميرات المراقبة

شبكة كابلات الكاميرات أو شبكة كابلات ال Coaxial

شبكات كاميرات المراقبة ويتم إستخدام كابلات الصورة أو كابلات Coaxial وهى كابلات تشبه كابلات الدش وهى رائعه وممتازة جداً فى نقل الصورة من طرف الكاميرا إلى جهاز التسجيل الخاص بها وجهاز التسجيل الخاص بها يسمى DVR وهى إختصار (Digital Video Recorder).

شبكة كابلات الإنترنت أو شبكة كابلات الـ IP

شبكات المراقبة التى تعمل عن طريق كابلات الإنترنت وتسمى كاميرات الـ IP ويتم إستخدام كابلات الإنترنت وافضلها كابلات الـCAT6 وهى تعتبر من أنقى وأفضل الكاميرات من حيث جودة الصورة ولكن تكون مكلفة نوعاً ما وجهاز التسجيل الخاص بها يسمى الـ NVR وهى إختصار (Network Video Recorder).

ونحن فى شركة ستار تكنولوجى نقوم بعرض هذه المعلومات على عملائنا الكرام فى حال إحتياجهم لتركيب كاميرات المراقبة ونقوم بتوضيح كل هذه الفروق حتى يكون لديهم القدرة على إختيار ماهو مناسب لهم من حيث الجودة والسعر.

اسعار كاميرات المراقبة

تواصل معنا  على الأرقام التالية

01154000939 – 01154000933 – 0222730200 – 0222730300

أو عبر البريد الإليكترونى 


اسعار كاميرات مراقبة  

20 Jan 2018
electronic gates

بوابات الكترونية دخول الافراد

Came OZAK Electronic Gates

بوابات الكترونية دخول الافراد

 والتي تستخدم وتعمل على حماية وتنظيم عملية الدخول والخروج للمنشآت بإختلاف نشاطاتها وبما أننا من  Electronic Gates لدينا بوابات الكترونية

الشركات الرائدة في مجال الانظمة الأمنية وحيث أننا وكلاء لشركة من أكبر شركات البوابات الالكترونية فإننا نوفر لكم بوابات الكترونية صناعة تركية

التركية العالمية والحائزة على العديد من الجوائز فى هذا المجال والتي نفخر بأننا وكيل لها في مصر  ozak من إنتاج شركة

بوابات الكترونية دخول الافراد

-: فإننا نتحدث عن العديد من الانواع نستعرضها فى هذا المقال electronic gates عند الحديث عن بوابات الكترونية أو

 ( Arm Barrierبوابات الكترونية *

(  Tyre Killer بوابات الكترونية *

FULL HEIGHT TURNSTILES بوابات الكترونية *

( GLASS LINE بوابات الكترونية *


We speak about quality living, in all of the world’s languages. CAME has nourished people’s needs for over 60 years by using technology as a key to a quality life. All our projects and ideas drive our innovation and focus to make people’s lives as comfortable as possible. This is where our company’s skills and experience come into play. We know how to blend the functionality and design that drives our excellent performance. It’s about knowing that you can count on professionals able to shape our innovations into solutions. It’s about customizing proposals for automation and integrating them with the cutting-edge of connectivity and mobile technology. CAME and partners strive together to satisfy our ever-more-demanding and culturally diverse customer-base, with its varying needs for transforming their living space into much more intelligent, and safer homes.

يمكنكم مشاهدة المزيد من بوابات الكترونية والفرق بينها وخطط الأسعار عبر هذا الرابط 

إضغط هنا للدخول الى منتجات بوابات الكترونية

أو التواصل على الارقام التالية للمزيد من الاستفسارات المباشرة 

الإتصال على الأرقام التالية

01154000939 – 01154000933 – 0222730200 – 0222730300

أو عبر البريد الإليكترونى 
