Idemia Sigma Wide
Awarded Best Biometric Product by the Security Industry Association, Morpho and Bioscrypt successfully joined forces to design the best of breed fingerprint identification terminal.
Tailored for both Access Control and Time & Attendance applications, the Idemia® SIGMA (MA SIGMA) Series by IDEMIA implements no fewer than 20 patents to master biometric identification and deliver a host of additional features, together with a refined and enjoyable user experience.
- Time & Attendance features.
- Tablet-like user experience.
- Videophone function.
- Anti-fraud: fake finger & face detection, duress finger.
- Full set of contactless technologies including NFC.
- IP65 rated design.
- Backwards compatible with existing installations of Bioscrypt when run in legacy mode.
… and fast 1:100 000 identification!
The World’s most accurate fingerprint technology is further enhanced with additional anti-fraud and anti- ”buddy punching” features:
• Face detection and picture logging.
• Fake finger detection.
• Duress finger.
• Banned/authorized user lists.
Fresh, intuitive, flexible User Interface
The SIGMA Series by IDEMIA implements the design cues from today’s most intuitive consumer electronics, for fast user adoption:
• 5” WVGA color touchscreen highlighting a sophisticated Graphic User Interface.
• Seamless on-device administration.
• Extensive customization capabilities: use your own content! (corporate video, audio messages, wallpapers etc.).
Time & Attendance Ready
Increase your workforce management efficiency with:
• Touchscreen Time Clock, featuring 16 programmable function keys.
• Access time slots and holidays scheduling.
• Accurate punch records (up to 1 Million logs storage capacity)
• Real-time employee notifications.
• Job Code management.
Videophone function
• Built-in camera, speaker and microphone.
• Standard IP-based video and audio interface.
• Use cases: – Call-in function: employees can quickly report a problem right from the Time Clock.
– Surveillance: the terminal can be used by security staff to get pictures remotely from the security post.
- اج1هزة حضور وانصراف IDEMIA Sigma Series
- إحدى منتجات شركة Idemia الفرنسية العالمية
- التى نتميز بأننا الوكيل الحصرى لها جهاز بصمة أو اجهزة حضور وانصراف
- Idemia صناعة فرنسية يحمل العديد من المميزات الرائعة والتى تسهل على العديد من المؤسسات والشركات متابعة نشاط شركاتهم ومؤسساتهم
- 5000 موظف حتى 100000 موظف
- مليون حركة عن طريق micro SD card
- يدعم تكنولوجى NFC
- انتركوم مرئي عن طريق SIP
- شاشة تلامسية
- امكانية عرض فيديو MP4
- تخزين اكثر من مليون صورة عن طريق micro SD card
- بها خاصية حضور و انصراف بازرار وظائف متعددة