Nitgen Fingkey Access-M2

Nitgen Fingkey Access-M2

Nitgen Fingkey Access M2 is a cost effective fingerprint access control system capable of speedy authentication with LFD function (Live Finger Detection) and supports waterproof at the level of IP65 for outdoor use.

It offers you enterprise level of Entry and Time Attendance management with its LAN communication-based network infrastructure enabling integrated monitoring and systematic management of multiple terminals operated independently on a remote location.

Compact and stylish design with user friendly interface, FINGKEY ACCESS2 knocks your door to be safe more than ever.

Fingkey Access ΙΙ Fingerprint Access Control System is capable of speedy authentication with Live Finger Detection


  • Superior Matching Engine
    – 1st rank in FVC (Fingerprint Verification Competition)
  • Touch Keypad
    – Touch Keypad with back light
    – Easy use at night
  • IP65 Certification
    – Dustproof/ Waterproof structure
    – Outdoor installation
  • Diverse Authentication Types
    – Fingerprint, RF Card and Password
    – Multiple Authentication
  • Live Finger Detection
    – Optical sensor and algorithm detect fake ngers


Model SW101-M2
CPU 32 bit/ 400MHz
Memory 64MB DRAM/ 32MB Flash
Display 122 × 32 Graphic LCD
Sensor Optical/ 500 DPI
Authentication Type Fingerprint, Password, RF Card
1:1 Time < 1 sec
1:N Time < 1.5 sec (1,000 templates)
Template Capacity 20,000 templates (2 templates/ 1 nger, 10,000 users)
Log Capacity 100,000 logs
Communication TCP/IP, RS232, RS485, Wiegand In/Out
Lock Deadbolt, EM Lock, Door strike, Automatic Door
Environment -20 ~ 60 ? / RH 90%
Certificate KC, CE, FCC
Dimensions 77 (W) × 178 (H) × 50 (D) mm

 اجهزة حضور وانصراف بالبصمة  الاصبع Fingkey Access M2

إحدى منتجات شركة Nitgen  العالمية 

اجهزة حضور وانصراف بالبصمة الاحدث في العالم حيث يشتمل على العديد والعديد من المميزات التى تسهم فى متابعة نشاط الشركات والمؤسسات ومتابعة تقارير الموظفين بصورة أكثر فاعلية

 يتحمل العوامل الخارجية IP65

100000 حركة 

10000 شخص 

ببصمة الإصبع 

 بالرقم السري 


لوحة مفاتيح تعمل باللمس 

  LCD  122 × 32 شاشة

يمكنه التحكم بالأبواب وربطه بانظمة التحكم الاخرى