14 May 2020
AS electronic gates



Automatic Systems launches a temperature and mask wear monitoring solution integrated into its access control equipment. The solution further allows to manage the maximum people are allowed into a site by counting and dynamically display to users the number of authorized visitors.
Body temperature detection
Body temperature detection

Automatic Systems

provides new functionalities by a unique optimized software operating each of its pedestrian products and options, resulting in an as unique as efficient solution to enforce compliance to new health and distancing rules. This, aimed at all public and private organizations concerned about protecting their visitors and employees.

Automatic Systems’ superior capabilities

of limiting access to authorized individuals and detecting passage frauds, and IP Connectivity solutions, are further enhanced to allow an User Friendly access control without authentication by measuring body temperatures and confirmation of use of protective masks. The counting of authorized users at the same time, the management of presence of people into an environment and to display the count-down presence allowance status to users on screens remotely or at entrances, reinforces to respect health measures against Covid-19. This new pre-integrated solution is quick to implement and recommended for a range of applications, including government buildings, public offices, retail spaces, factories, shops, supermarkets, health centres, leisure centres, hospitals, toilets, museums, stadiums, swimming pools, conference venues, schools and universities etc., and any application where is necessary to not exceed the maximum people presence in an area in general.
Tripod temperature monitoring intergrated solutions
Tripod temperature monitoring intergrated solutions
These monitoring solutions are compatible with most of Automatic Systems’ gates, and preferred solutions are for our speed gate offer like the SlimLane and SmartLane, and compact tripod turnstile like the TriLane TL1 where space is an issue. It is also possible to retrofit the solution in existing equipment via a standalone pedestal. The speed gates are possibly equipped with optional EN13637 certified emergency exits, as well as wide lane for disable accessibility.

Disclaimer of warranty and liability

Automatic Systems (AS) solutions for temperature screening are designed for the detection of skin-surface temperatures so as to achieve rapid preliminary screening in public areas detection. The actual core body temperature may not be properly detected due to measurement tolerances, and should be further confirmed by using clinical measurement devices. AS solutions for temperature screening are not capable to assess whether a person is infected or not by Covid-19 or by any other disease.

Laws and regulations,

including but not limited to Personal Data protection, may i) prohibit the use of thermographic cameras and facial detection, and/or ii) condition such use to prior authorization delivered by public authorities or private entities and/or iii) request that Customer, as an employer, shall comply with the obligations prescribed by labour laws whilst using thermographic cameras and facial detection solution for employees, and/or iv) impose upon Customer adequate information display to the public.

Automatic Systems disclaims

i) any warranties, conditions or other terms implied by any law (including as to merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose and the equivalents thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction), and ii) any liabilities, costs and damages, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, arising out of, or in connection with, the purchase and the use of thermographic cameras and facial detection.
05 Feb 2020

بوابات دخول الافراد

بوابات دخول الافراد

هى بوبات للتحكم فى الدخول والخروج الخاصة بالافراد يتم ربطها باجهزة بصمة لتقوم بعملية فتح وغلق البوابة معروفة باسم بوابات المترو او البوابات الالكترونية تتكون انظمة بوابات الدخول والخروج من نظام متكامل .
اولا : بوابة الدخول والخروج : turnstile gates
حيث تكون بوابات دخول الافراد من الحديد والامونيوم بحركة انسيابية بازرعة وبدون ازرعة حيث يتم التعامل معا من خلال لوحة داخلية تقوم باعطاء الاومر للبوابة بالغلق او الفتح
ثانيا : لوحة التحكم فى الدخول والخروج access control panel
,وهيه الوحة المسئولة عن تشغيل البوابة اتجاه واحد او فى كلى الاتجاهين من لوحات تقوم بقراء البصمة ولوحات تقوم بقراءة الكارت او الاثنين معا
ثالثا : قارى البصمة او قارى الكارت Reader
ويتم توصيلة بالوحة فهناك قارى الكارت يقراء كروت بروكسيمتى او كروت ماى فير وهناك قارى البصمة الاصبع
رابعا : جهاز ادخاال البيانات الى البرنامج USB Reader
ومن خلالة يتم ادخال البيانات او البصمات للبرنامج الخاص بالدخول والخروج
بوابات دخول الافراد – بوابات المترو هي بوابات للتحكم في دخول الافراد للمنشأه , تقوم على تامين المنشأه من دخول الافراد الغرباء والذين لاتمسح بدخولهم لديك , تسمح بدخول الاشخاص بشكل منفرد فقط يمكن لشخص واحد بالمرور من خلالها فى كل مره يمكن ان تعمل بالبصمة او بالكارت RFID  او من خلال التعرف على الوجه او من خلال الرقم السري تعمل مع جميع اجهزة  Access control  النفرده وايضا اللوحات التي تعمل بالقارئ ايا كان نوع القاري يمكن التحكم بكلا الاتجهاين الدخول والخروج . اشكال البوابات تختلف على حسب الاحتياج الخاص بك