
Star Technology represent the smart URBAN transformation


A sustainable urban regeneration model leveraging the convergence of energy, mobility and ICT to transform European cities into Smart Cities

REMOURBAN main concept


the smart URBAN transformation

Energy, transport and information and communication technologies (ICT) are key to achieve economical and societal benefits and improve citizens’ quality of life. They also represent most of the interrelations between people and technology.

A big challenge to offer new interdisciplinary opportunities to make cities smarter is already open in the common area where energy production, distribution and use, mobility and transport, ICT work together and are intimately linked.

REMOURBAN will implement large scale interventions and intense dissemination initiatives to demonstrate the potential of the urban regeneration model in the energy, mobility and ICT sectors.


The project is fully aligned with the Smart Cities European strategy and involves three lighthouse cities and two follower cities.


The first phase will consist in a large scale demonstration of the potential that offers the proposed model for urban regeneration to deploy integral actions in the areas where energy, mobility and ICT sectors are intimately linked.

In particular, the retrofitting of an existing district for reducing energy demand to very low values, improving the generation facilities and the supply of energy for a better use of the local resources (use of renewable) and higher efficiency (use of district scale system), in order to achieve low energy districts (renewable district heating and cooling, PV,CHP,… ), substitute a high number of conventional vehicles by clean vehicles, improving in parallel the associated infrastructures and the management (for instance electrical vehicles and charging infrastructure) and finally improving through ICT solutions the management of some of the city infrastructures, as the smart grids or the traffic management systems.

A financial and feasibility plan has been developed in order to guarantee the investment and the return of them.

The cities that are committing an intervention are Valladolid, Nottingham and Tepebasi/Eskisehir. These lighthouse cities also commit the deployment of a powerful monitoring system, in order to gather the necessary variables for the evaluation procedure that will be designed in a previous stage.

Further that the technical actions, these interventions will include a relevant citizen engagement activity for maximizing the impact and achieve a wider validation. The large scale demonstrations are a part of very ambitious urban plans.

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