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بوابة الجراج للتحكم فى دخول وخروج السيارات AVAX من انتاج شركة Perkotek  التركية

يبلغ طول الذراع Avax MC6 LED Parking Barrier 6 أمتار.

هيكلها مصنوع من سبائك الألومنيوم ولديه فئة حماية IP65 وتكنولوجيا ضغط الطلاء بالمساحيق الإلكترونية.

هذا الحاجز لديه أداء عمل ممتاز وتم تطويره للاستخدام المكثف. بفضل ينبوعها القوي ، فإنه يزيل جميع النقاط العمياء لضمان فتح مثالي.

AVAX MC6 Automatic Car Barrier. Arm length is 6 meters. Its body is aluminum alloy and it has an IP65 protection class. electronic powder coating compression technology.

This barrier has excellent working performance and is developed for intensive use. Thanks to its strong spring, it eliminates all blind spots to ensure perfect opening.

AVAX MC6 LED Automatic Car Barrier Technical Specifications

Barrier Case: It produced with aluminum alloy body, IP65 protection class, and electronic powder coating compression technology. The leds in the entrance direction are used for lighting and information purposes.

Barrier Motor: Powerful 220V motor-driven energy saving concept and uses the lowest possible rotational speed with proprietary force return rate technology to achieve high-speed opening.

Powerful Mechanical Structure: It has developed mechanical structure for intensive use up to 100% duty cycle and has parts made of aluminum alloy profile protected by two layers of paint.

Excellent Operating Performance: Electronic rotation speed control by the controller ensures precise barrier movement and works quickly, silently and uniformly.

Powerful Spring Structure: The new design spring eliminates all blind spot areas to ensure stable opening and closing. The spring pressure can be adjusted manually.

Power: 220AC/AC110  50/60HZ

Protection Class: IP65

Working Cycles: 5 million cycles

Input Interface: + 12V signal or 100MS pulse signal width

Material: Aluminum alloy profile

Duty Cycle: 100%

Case Dimensions: 35 cm × 29.5 cm× 106 cm

Barrier Weight: 50 kg.

Remote Control Distance: Kontrol30M

Height from ground (from the ground): 83 cm

Arm Speed: 3s / 6s

Maximum Arm Length: 6 meters


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