07 Apr 2021
Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)

Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)

What is Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)?

Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is a standard that has been developed by the Security Industry Association (SIA) in order to offer more secure access control communications. This protocol works across various types of readers, controllers (RBH), and software, and has been developed as a way to improve on issues of security that are often faced with other legacy systems.

In other words, the development of this protocol aimed to help implement, monitor and maintain a more stable and secure system of access control devices, which includes the use of advanced smart card technology applications and biometrics.

In addition to improved security, it improves interoperability between access control and security devices, through bi-directional communication. To retain its focus on security, it is constantly refined, with OSDP v2.1.7 currently gaining recognition as a standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Manufacturers, like HID Global, Mercury and Cypress, are already using OSDP and it is recommended for use in government and other high-security settings, since the protocol meets all federal access control requirements, such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for Federal Identity, Credential and Access Management (FICAM).

OSDP security standard to replace Wiegand for access control communication  - SecureIDNews

What is the wiring diagram for OSDP?

If you’re interested in having a more in-depth look at how it works, take a look at this OSDP protocol example diagram, which gives an insight into how to use it with existing Wiegand devices.

This includes how to connect both a Peripheral Device (PD) or Access Control Unit (ACU), or both. This OSDP wiring diagram pdf download also provides more information on Pin Designations, DIP Switch Settings, OSDP Default Parameters, Status LED Behavior, and Bench Testing.

Implementing OSDP

What is the OSDP Protocol?

The Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is a way of linking together access control devices and smart cards in a way that guarantees optimum security. Other legacy systems, while popular and easier to use, unfortunately, do not always offer the same level of security, and are vulnerable to tampering.

Using AES-128 encryption, and by constantly monitoring wiring, this protocol keeps an eye on all points within the system, to make sure that it protects against all threats. Other advanced functionality features include advanced user interfaces, with welcome messages and text prompts, and the use of 2 wires instead of 12+. The use of two wires, in this case, allows for multi-drop installation, supervised connections and scalability.

Implementing this is, therefore, crucial in ensuring that your access control system is up to date with all of the latest security system requirements.

What is the OSDP Protocol?

How Does OSDP Protocol Work?

The OSDP Protocol works through an audio-visual system, which integrates a user feedback mechanism to ensure an access control environment that is built for, and benefits, the user. Since encryption and authentication processes are already predefined, there is no need for guesswork, which takes a lot of stress and labor costs out of the equation. This also means that this protocol costs less to implement on devices already embedded in the system.

The main benefit of it is that it works across a range of devices and security solutions, regardless of the equipment manufacturer. This includes peripheral devices (PD’s), which include card readers, as well as other devices like secured access doors/gates and control panels (CP’s).

Internet Protocol (IP) environments can also use OSDP and it is recommended when Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TCP/IP, USB or other protocols are not available. OSDP over IP is currently in development and will be launched soon. This will ensure that the interoperability of this protocol extends even further.

Advantages over Wiegand

It has a number of advantages over Wiegand, such as:

  • It supports two-way communication between a reader and a controller. This means that a controller, a computer or an interface unit can connect with a reader and identify a malfunctioning device, manage LED indication or check a PIN-code that was entered.
  • Its connection is encrypted (OSDP supports high-end AES-128 encryption) and makes it much more secure than Wiegand and other common protocols.
  • OSDP is cheaper to install because it requires less cable. Also, this interface enables a reader to function even if it’s located 1200m away from the controller. In case with Wiegand, the distance between a reader and a controller rarely exceeds 152m.
  • It has a user-friendly interface and is easy to implement.
Open Supervised Device Protocol and Added Security - SPG Controls
05 Feb 2020
accessories rbh access control

انظمة التحكم بالابواب

انظمة التحكم بالابواب (التحكم في الأبواب) إلكترونيا

توفر انظمة التحكم بالابواب (التحكم في الأبواب إلكترونيا) التمييز بين الأشخاص والمركبات المصرح لهم الدخول والغير المصرح لهم الدخول وعليه يتم تنفيذ مستوى أمني عالي لحماية المنشآت والممتلكات الخاصة ، كما يمكن تخصيص أنظمة التحكم في الوصول عند تصميمها بشكل يلبي جميع المتطلبات الأمنية، وتوفر أنظمة التحكم في الدخول العديد من المزايا ومنها:

التحكم في الأقفال الإلكترونية للأبواب بأنواعها وتحديد الأشخاص والمركبات المصرح لها المرور من هذه الأبواب، كما يقوم النظام بتسجيل جميع تحركات الأشخاص والمركبات داخل المنشأة من أول دخولهم وحتى خروجهم وتسجيل تحركاتهم من خلال جميع الأبواب الداخلية الأخرى.

يمنح النظام صلاحيات لأشخاص محددين لفتح أبواب محددة من خلال واحد أو أكثر من الخيارات والتي منها: بصمة العين أو اليد او الكروت الذكية او الشرائح الذكية او كلمات المرور ، وذلك يضمن توفير مستويات عالية من التأمين.

Idemia Morpho by STC

يقوم النظام بالتحكم في الفترة الزمنية المسموح فيها ترك الأبواب مفتوحه ، على أن يتم إتخاذ إجراء كتشغيل صافرات الإنذار او ارسال تنبيه الى أجهزة الكمبيوتر أو إتخاذ إجراءات آخرى توفر للمنشأة مستوى الأمن المطلوب (تخصيص ودمج الأنظمة الأمنية) ، كما يمكن التحكم في تشغيل التنبيهات عند محاولة فتح احد الابواب بالقوة او محاولة فتحها من خلال أشخاص ليس لهم صلاحية المرور من هذا الأبواب.

Roger Access Control System

يتحكم النظام في فتح أبواب الطوارئ وأي أبواب أخرى يتم تحديدها وذلك في حالات الخطر بحيث يقوم بفتح  الأبواب بشكل تلقائي في حالات الخطر المختلفة مثل إندلاع حريق او تسرب غازات وغيرها وذلك من خلال دمج نظام التحكم في الوصول مع انظمة الإنذار المختلفة.

تدعم هذه الأنظمة التحكم في الأبواب بأنواعها وكذلك البوابات الإلكترونية للأشخاص وتشغيل المصاعد وبوابات المستودعات وكذلك بوابات دخول السيارات والتي يمكن التحكم فيها عن بعد من خلال تثبيت شرائح ذكية في السيارات المصرح لها العبور من البوابة وعند اقتراب السيارة لمسافة محددة يتم فتح البوابة بشكل تلقائي على أن تقوم المستشعرات الإلكترونية بمنع انغلاق البوابة وقت تواجد السيارة داخلها على أن يتم اغلاقها فور اكتمال عبور السيارة.

هذا وتقدم هذه الأنظمة التقارير التفصيلية لكل التحركات التي تتم من خلال المخارج والمداخل مع متابعة لحظية على شاشة النظام للابواب والتي يمكن التحكم فيها من خلال النظام مباشرة، كما يمكن الاعتماد على هذه التقارير في استخراج بيانات الحضور والانصراف للموظفين دون تحميل الشركة او المؤسسة اعباء اضافية في الاستثمار في أجهزة الحضور والانصراف.

هذا ونتشرف بتواصلكم معنا في عين الأمن للأنظمة الأمنية أو التكرم بزيارتنا لإتاحة الفرصة لنا لإطلاعكم على أحدث التقنيات التي نوفرها في مجال الأنظمة الأمنية.

13 Dec 2019

Roger Access control RACS5 by STC

نظام التحكم فى الابواب ماركة روجر البولندى

Roger Access control RACS5 system is a group of products, both hardware and software, dedicated to implement the physical access control, building automation and security system. RACS 5 is easily scalable and can be used in systems of any size from the smallest, based on a single door for the largest, serving office buildings, hotels or stadiums.

  • Roger Access control RACS5 by STC
  • Physical access control
  • Elevator access control
  • Alarm system control from access terminals
  • Alarm system status presentation on access terminals
  • Building automation
  • Live system monitoring
  • System history log
  • Event log for time and attendance systems
  • Access to system database through software interface
  • Integration with third party systems through integration server
Roger Access control RACS5

ROGER brand

  • Nearly 30 years of experience in field of design, production and sale of electronic security systems.
  • We use the latest technology in domain of devices and software.
  • In the production of devices, we exclusively use components from reputable suppliers.
  • We continuously invest in improvement of our employees qualifications as well as improvement of design and production processes.
  • We are major supplier of access control systems in Poland. Our products can be purchased in each region of the country.
  • Our foreign distribution network covers 3 continents and more than 40 countries and it’s still growing.
  • Our products are promoted with success on markets where crucial point is quality (Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany) as well as on price sensitive markets (Singapore, Thailand, Russia).